
Applied Computer Services Team

Meet the Team, Timer Pro
Our Experience Goals and Team

The Applied Computer Services Team has been developing measurement systems and supports thousands of clients worldwide. We offer a full range of proven measurement solutions to assist your organizations productivity and process improvement initiatives.

Our goal is to develop and support state of the art measurement software to meet the diverse requirements of today’s corporate needs and do so while providing exceptional customer support.

We have an aggressive development program to ensure that our users continue to benefit from their investment.

Our team is comprised of energetic and enthusiastic personnel who have experience in a wide variety of industries.

We welcome the opportunity to discuss your measurement needs with you. 


Doug founded ACS which has provided measurement systems to over 1600 clients worldwide. Doug has over 30 years’ experience in manufacturing and service industry related measurement and continuous improvement. Since 2006 he has guided the ACS development group’s work on the video-based Timer Pro package and related Web Services. He views Timer Pro as one large continuous improvement project feeding on input from the constantly expanding client base.

VP marketing and sales

Joining ACS from Ernst and Young’s consulting department, Susan  is responsible for marketing, sales, promotion, web site design and management, and insuring ACS provides excellent customer service and support.

Technical Services Manager

Jeff leads the development team of all ACS software with his extensive experience in interface and database design concepts. He insures that ACS’s programs can be deployed on a wide variety of platforms while utilizing the latest, proven technology.


Todd has worked in multiple industries helping implement sustainable change. His experience ranges from the shop floor to the boardroom. Todd works with our clients to ensure they are receiving the tools and support needed to achieve their goals. His primary responsibility is to guide our customers through the sales process into the support phase, and ultimately ensuring a successful implementation.

Timer Pro Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Solution - Free Webinar
Timer Pro Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Solution Free 45 Day Eval

Google Unwanted Software Policy Compliance Statement

We hereby attest that the software application offered here is developed, owned and distributed by us for the purposes of process measurement to support  your continuous improvement initiatives; will not affect the performance of your system hardware or change any system  settings; is easily completely removable from your system; does not collect or transmit any private information in any form;  is not bundled with any other software; is free of malware.